• deplazio
    The Department of Epidemiology of the Lazio Regional Health Service (DEP)
    is based in Rome and has over 30 years of experience
  • Area Covid-19
  • ambientale-valutativo

    The staff of the DEP has specific expertise in epidemiological methods
  • rischi ambientali
    Provide decision makers with the best epidemiological evidence
    to plan interventions to reduce health risks
  • esiti
    Outcome evaluation of health care
  • cure sanitarie
    Provide evidence to improve the quality
    and effectiveness of health care
  • inquinamento
    Assess the risks associated with
    short and long term exposure to air pollutants
  • cambiamenti climatici
    Assessing the health impact of climate change and extreme events

Registro Regionale Dialisi e Trapianti Lazio (RRDTL)

Anno 2003
Zanobetti A, Schwartz J, Samoli E, Gryparis A, Touloumi G, Peacock J, Anderson RH, Le Tertre A, Bobros J, Celko M, Goren A, Forsberg B, Michelozzi P, The temporal pattern of respiratory and heart disease mortality in response to air pollution Environ Health Perspect 111 (9):1188-93
Sunyer J, Ballester F, Tertre AL, Atkinson R, Ayres JG, Forastiere F, Forsberg B, Vonk JM, Bisanti L, Tenias JM, Medina S, Schwartz J, Katsouyanni K The association of daily sulfur dioxide air pollution levels with hospital admissions for cardiovascular diseases in Europe (The Aphea-II study). Eur Heart J 24:752-60
Sunyer J, Atkinson R, Ballester F, Le Tertre A, Ayres JG, Forastiere F, Forsberg B, Vonk JM, Bisanti L, Anderson RH, Schwartz J, Katsouyanni K Respiratory effects of sulphur dioxide: a hierarchical multicity analysis in the APHEA 2 study. Occup Environ Med 60:e2
Suligoi B, Pavoni N, Borghi V, Branz F, Coppola N, Gallo G, Perucci C, A, Piovesan C, Porta D, Rossetti G, Rezza G Epidemiology of HIV infection in Italy Epidemiol Prev 27:73-9
Schifano P, Borgia P, Wu AW, Spadea T, Milanese G, Perucci CA Validity and reliability of the Italian translation of the MOS-HIV health survey in persons with AIDS. Qual Life Res 12:1137-46
Pesatori AC and Forastiere F Methodology in occupational and environmental epidemiology G Ital Med Lav Ergon 25:290-1
Perucci CA, Forastiere F, Michelozzi P Heat and health: effectiveness and equity Epidemiol Prev 27:259-62
Michelozzi P, Michelozzi P [Assessment and prevention of the health effects of the climate: an European project and a national project] Epidemiol Prev 27(5):263-4
Lagorio S, Forastiere F, Pistelli R, Iavarone I, Fano V, Incalzi RA, Basso S, Benedetto RT, Della Corte AM, Fuso L, Maiolo C, Sammarro S, Serra M, Spa Air pollution and cardiac and respiratory function in three groups of patients Ann Ist Super Sanita 39:395-404
Giorgi Rossi PG, Agabiti N, Faustini A, Ancona C, Tancioni V, Forastiere F, Perucci CA Hospitalization for pneumonia in adults. Lazio, 1997-1999 Epidemiol Prev 27:18-25
Giorgi Rossi P, Sangalli M, Faustini A, Forestiere F, Perucci CA Infectious diseases in Rome during the Millennium Year. Euro Surveill 8:181-5
Giorgi Rossi P, Faustini A, Perucci CA Validation of guidelines for investigating foodborne disease outbreaks: the experience of the Lazio region, Italy. J Food Prot 66:2343-8
Fusco D, Saitto C, Arca M, Ancona C, Perucci CA Cyclic fluctuations in hospital bed occupancy in Roma (Italy): supply or demand driven? Health Serv Manage Res 16:268-75
Fortes C, Forastiere F, Farchi S, Mallone S, Trequattrinni T, Anatra F, Schmid G, Perucci CA The protective effect of the Mediterranean diet on lung cancer. Nutr Cancer 46:30-7
Fortes C, Farchi S, Forastiere F, Agabiti N, Pacifici R, Zuccaro P, Perucci CA, Ebrahim S Depressive symptoms lead to impaired cellular immune response. Psychother Psychosom 72:253-60
Faustini A, Giorgi Rossi P, Perucci CA Outbreaks of food borne diseases in the Lazio region, Italy: the results of epidemiological field investigations. Eur J Epidemiol 18:699-702
Faustini A, Giorgi Rossi P, Perucci CA Impact of guidelines in investigating foodborne disease outbreaks services in Lazio region, Italy]. Epidemiol Prev 27:333-9
Farchi S, Forastiere F, Agabiti N, Corbo G, Pistelli R, Fortes C, Dell'Orco V, Perucci CA Dietary factors associated with wheezing and allergic rhinitis in children. Eur Respir J 22:772-80
Di Domenicantonio R, De Sario M, Sammarro S, Compagnucci P, Forastiere F, Pistelli R, Serra M, G, Corbo G, Agabiti N, Perucci CA Asthma and allergies in childhood in Rome: Italian contribution to the ISAAC II Epidemiol Prev 27:226-33
Davoli M and Perucci CA, Davoli M and Perucci CA Appropriateness of methadone maintenance treatment for opiate addiction: treatment goals and effectiveness. Soz Praventivmed 48 Suppl 1:S21-2, discussion S25-
D'Ippoliti D, Forastiere F, Ancona C, Agabiti N, Fusco D, Michelozzi P, Perucci CA Air pollution and myocardial infarction in Rome: a case-crossover analysis. Epidemiology 14(5):528-35
Corbo GM, Forastiere F, Agabiti N, Dell'Orco V, Pistelli R, Massi G, Perucci CA, Valente S Passive smoking and lung function in alpha(1)-antitrypsin heterozygote schoolchildren. Thorax 58:237-41
Cesaroni G, Farchi S, Davoli M, Forastiere F, Perucci CA Individual and area-based indicators of socioeconomic status and childhood asthma. Eur Respir J 22:619-24
Cardo S, Agabiti N, Picconi O, Scarinci M, Papini P, Guasticchi G, Gentile D, Forastiere F, Arca M, Volpe M, Perucci CA The quality of medical records: a retrospective study in Lazio Region, Italy Ann Ig 15:433-42
Ballester F, Michelozzi P, Iniguez C Weather, climate, and public health J Epidemiol Community Health 57(10):759-60
Annesi-Maesano I, Agabiti N, Pistelli R, Couilliot MF, Forastiere F Subpopulations at increased risk of adverse health outcomes from air pollution. Eur Respir J Suppl 40:57s-63s
Agabiti N, Ancona C, Forastiere F, Arca M, Perucci CA Evaluating outcomes of hospital care following coronary artery bypass surgery in Rome, Italy. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg 23(4):599-606, discussion

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