• deplazio
    The Department of Epidemiology of the Lazio Regional Health Service (DEP)
    is based in Rome and has over 30 years of experience
  • Area Covid-19
  • ambientale-valutativo

    The staff of the DEP has specific expertise in epidemiological methods
  • rischi ambientali
    Provide decision makers with the best epidemiological evidence
    to plan interventions to reduce health risks
  • esiti
    Outcome evaluation of health care
  • cure sanitarie
    Provide evidence to improve the quality
    and effectiveness of health care
  • inquinamento
    Assess the risks associated with
    short and long term exposure to air pollutants
  • cambiamenti climatici
    Assessing the health impact of climate change and extreme events

Registro Regionale Dialisi e Trapianti Lazio (RRDTL)

Anno 2002
Zanobetti, A. //Schwartz, J. //Samoli, E. //Gryparis, A. //Touloumi, G. //Atkinson, R. //Le Tertre, A. //Bobros, J. //Celko, M. //Goren, A. //Forsberg The temporal pattern of mortality responses to air pollution: a multicity assessment of mortality displacement Epidemiology 13(1):87-93
Vanacore N, Nappo A, Gentile M, Brustolin A, Palange S, Liberati A, Di Rezze S, Caldora G, Gasparini M, Benedetti F, Bonifati V, Forastiere F, Quercia Evaluation of risk of Parkinson's disease in a cohort of licensed pesticide users. Neurol Sci 23 Suppl 2:S119-20
Schifano P, Scarinci M, Borgia P, Perucci CA Analysis of the recourse to conservative surgery in the treatment of breast tumors. Tumori 88:131-6
Petrelli A, Saitto C, Arca M, Perucci CA Supply of outpatient care in the Lazio region: geographic distribution and characteristics of outpatient clinics Epidemiol Prev 26:116-23
Perucci CA and Davoli M Experimental efficacy versus observational efficacy Epidemiol Psichiatr Soc 11:16
Michelozzi P, Capon A, Kirchmayer U, Forastiere F, Biggeri A, Barca A, Perucci CA Adult and childhood leukemia near a high-power radio station in Rome, Italy. Am J Epidemiol 155:1096-103
Materia E, Rossi L, Spadea T, Cacciani L, Baglio G, Cesaroni G, Arca M, Perucci CA Hysterectomy and socioeconomic position in Rome, Italy. J Epidemiol Community Health 56:461-5
Kirchmayer U, Davoli M, Verster AD, Amato L, Ferri A, Perucci CA A systematic review on the efficacy of naltrexone maintenance treatment in opioid dependence. Addiction 97:1241-9
Forastiere F, Lo Presti E, Agabiti N, Rapiti E, Perucci CA Health impact of exposure to environmental tobacco smoke in Italy]. Epidemiol Prev 26:18-29
Forastiere F, Goldsmith DF, Sperati A, Rapiti E, Miceli M, Cavariani F, Perucci CA Silicosis and lung function decrements among female ceramic workers in Italy. Am J Epidemiol 156:851-6
Forastiere F and Biggeri A, Forastiere F and Biggeri A Epidemiology as a discipline in the Italian national health service Epidemiol Prev 26:162
Forastiere F, Forastiere F Environment and health: from national policies to global initiatives. Soz Praventivmed 47:76-7
Faustini A, Giorgi-Rossi P, Sangalli M, Spadea T, Perucci CA The epidemiological impact of vaccination strategies in the Lazio Region+B333 Ann Ig 14:39-49
Faustini A, Fabrizi E, Sangalli M, Bordi E, Cipriani P, Fiscarelli E, Perucci CA Role of laboratories in population-based surveillance of invasive diseases in Lazio, Italy, 1998-2000. . Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect Dis 21:824-6
Di Napoli A, Agabiti N, Ancona C, Forastiere F, Lo Presti E, Corbo G, M, D'Orsi F, Perucci CA Respiratory effects of exposure to chlorine vapors during a swimming pool accident in a recreational center in Rome Epidemiol Prev 26:240-7
De Luca A, Porta D, D'Ippoliti D, Carboni A, Forastiere F, Perucci CA Underreporting of AIDS cases in Lazio, Italy Epidemiol Prev 26:234-8
Davoli M, Ferri M, Perucci CA, Liberati A Health policies on drug dependence must be based on scientific evidence. BMJ 324:1338
Borgia P, Schifano P, Spadea T, Milanese G, Fabrizi E, Abeni D, Perucci C, Rocchi G Assessing effectiveness of home care for persons with AIDS: analysis of methodological problems. AIDS Care 14:645-50
Biggeri A and Forastiere F Epidemiology: a discipline for the professional profile of the organization of the national health system. The opinion of the Italian Association of Epidemiology Epidemiol Prev 26:98-9
Le Tertre, A. //Medina, S. //Samoli, E. //Forsberg, B. //Michelozzi, P. //Boumghar, A. //Vonk, J. M. //Bellini, A. //Atkinson, R. //Ayres, J. G. //Sun Short-term effects of particulate air pollution on cardiovascular diseases in eight European cities J Epidemiol Community Health 56(10):773-79
Agabiti N, Ancona C, Tancioni V, Papini P, Arca M, Forastiere F, Perucci CA Evaluation of hospital care outcomes in relation to acute myocardial infarction in Lazio Ann Ig 14(3):211-21.

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