• deplazio
    The Department of Epidemiology of the Lazio Regional Health Service (DEP)
    is based in Rome and has over 30 years of experience
  • Area Covid-19
  • ambientale-valutativo

    The staff of the DEP has specific expertise in epidemiological methods
  • rischi ambientali
    Provide decision makers with the best epidemiological evidence
    to plan interventions to reduce health risks
  • esiti
    Outcome evaluation of health care
  • cure sanitarie
    Provide evidence to improve the quality
    and effectiveness of health care
  • inquinamento
    Assess the risks associated with
    short and long term exposure to air pollutants
  • cambiamenti climatici
    Assessing the health impact of climate change and extreme events

Registro Regionale Dialisi e Trapianti Lazio (RRDTL)

Anno 2011
Amato L, Minozzi S, Davoli M. Efficacy and safety of pharmacological interventions for the treatment of the Alcohol Withdrawal Syndrome. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2011 Jun 15;(6):CD008537. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD008537.pub2.
Amato L, Mitrova Z, Davoli M. Sintesi delle revisioni sistematiche Cochrane sull’efficacia degli interventi di cessazione e prevenzione del fumo di tabacco. Pubblicazione ISS maggio 2011, available at www.iss.it/ofad
Amato L, Minozzi S, Davoli M, Vecchi S. Psychosocial and pharmacological treatments versus pharmacological treatments for opioid detoxification. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2011, Issue 9. DOI: 10.1002/14651858. CD005031
Amato L, Minozzi S, Davoli M, Vecchi S. Psychosocial combined with agonist maintenance treatments versus agonist maintenance treatments alone for treatment of opioid dependence. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2011, Issue 10. DOI:10.1002/14651858.CD004147
Pani PP, Trogu E, Vecchi S, Amato L. Antidepressants for cocaine dependence and problematic cocaine use. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2011 , Issue 12 . Art. No.: CD002950. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD002950.pub2
Amato L, Minozzi S, Pani PP, Solimini R, Vecchi S, Zuccaro P, Davoli M. Dopamine agonists for the treatment of cocaine dependence. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2011 , Issue 12 . Art. No.: CD003352. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD003352.pub2
Davoli M, Amato L. La valutazione dell’outcome come strumento per migliorare la qualità delle cure. Medicina delle Dipendenze. 2011; 4:32-37
Amato L, Davoli M. La ricerca epidemiologica nel campo delle dipendenze patologiche offre informazioni utili per orientare la pratica clinica e le decisioni di sanità pubblica? Medicina delle Dipendenze. 2011; 4:15-21
Amato L, Mitrova Z, Davoli M, Pani PP. Trattamenti delle tossicodipendenze e dell’alcolismo: le revisioni sistematiche della letteratura scientifica. Medicina delle Dipendenze. 2011; 3
Faustini A, Stafoggia M, Berti G, Bisanti L, Chiusolo M, Cernigliaro A, Mallone S, Primerano R, Scarnato C, Simonato L, Vigotti MA and Forastiere F on behalf of the EPIAIR collaborative Group The relationship between ambient particulate matter and respiratory mortality: a multi-city study in Italy ERJ Express. Published on January 13, 2011
Pinnarelli L, Nuti S, Sorge C, Davoli M, Fusco D, Agabiti N, Vainieri M, Perucci CA What drives hospital performance? The impact of comparative outcome evaluation of patients admitted for hip fracture in two Italian regions Bmj Quality & Safety 10.1136
Scarselli A, Binazzi A, Forastiere F, Cavariani F, Marinaccio A. Industry and job-specific mortality after occupational exposure to silica dust Occup Med 61(6):422-9
Agabiti N, Davoli M, Fusco D, Stafoggia M, Perucci CA Comparative evaluation of health services outcomes Epidemiol Prev. 35 (2 Suppl 1):80
Davoli M, Amato L. Do Cochrane reviews provide useful information to guide policy and practice? The experience of the Cochrane drugs and alcohol group. Epidemiol Psychiatr Sci.,20(3):219-23.
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Forastiere F, Badaloni C, de Hoogh K, Krayer von Kraus M, Martuzzi M, Mitis F, Palkovicova L, Porta D, Preiss P, Ranzi A, Perucci CA, Briggs D Health impact assessment of waste management facilities in three European countries. Environ Health 10(11):53
Chiusolo M, Cadum E, Stafoggia M, Galassi C, Berti G, Faustini A, Bisanti L, Vigotti MA, Dessi MP, Cernigliaro A, Mallone S, Pacelli B, Minerba S, Sim Short Term Effects of Nitrogen Dioxide on Mortality and Susceptibility Factors in Ten Italian Cities: the EpiAir Study. Environ Health Perspect
Ranzi A, Fano V, Erspamer L, Lauriola P, Perucci CA, Forastiere F Mortality and morbidity among people living close to incinerators: a cohort study based on dispersion modeling for exposure assessment. Environ Health 10:22
Stafoggia M, Lallo A, Fusco D, Barone AP, D'Ovidio M, Sorge C, Perucci CA Spie charts, target plots, and radar plots for displaying comparative outcomes of health care. J Clin Epidemiol [in process]
Kirchmayer U, Agabiti N, Belleudi V, Davoli M, Fusco D, Stafoggia M, Arca M, Barone AP, Perucci CA Socio-demographic differences in adherence to evidence-based drug therapy after hospital discharge from acute myocardial infarction: a population-based cohort study in Rome, Italy. J Clin Pharm Ther
Belleudi V, Fusco D, Kirchmayer U, Agabiti N, Di Martino M, Narduzzi S, Davoli M, Arca M, Perucci CA Definition of patients treated with evidence based drugs in absence of prescribed daily doses: the example of acute myocardial infarction. Pharmacoepidemiol Drug Saf 20:169-76
Baccini M, Kosatsky TAnalitis AAnderson HR, D'Ovidio M, Menne B, Michelozzi P, Biggeri A Impact of heat on mortality in 15 European cities: attributable deaths under different weather scenarios. J Epidemiol Community Health 65:64-70
Minozzi S, Amato L, Vecchi S, Davoli M, Kirchmayer U, Verster A Oral naltrexone maintenance treatment for opioid dependence Cochrane Database Syst Rev
Amato L, Davoli M, Vecchi S, Ali R, Farrell M, Faggiano F, Foxcroft D, Ling W, Minozzi S, Chengzheng Z Cochrane systematic reviews in the field of addiction: what's there and what should be. Drug Alcohol Depend 113:96-103

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