• deplazio
    il Dipartimento di Epidemiologia del Servizio Sanitario del Lazio (DEP)
    con sede a Roma è un’istituzione attiva da oltre 30 anni
  • Area Covid-19
  • ambientale-valutativo
    il personale del DEP ha specifiche competenze di metodi
    epidemiologici in campo ambientale e valutativo
  • rischi ambientali
    Il DEP fornisce ai decisori le migliori conoscenze epidemiologiche
    per pianificare interventi di riduzione dei rischi per la salute
  • esiti
    Il DEP effettua studi di valutazione degli esiti delle cure sanitarie
  • cure sanitarie
    Il DEP fornisce evidenze per migliorare la qualità
    e l'efficacia delle cure sanitarie
  • inquinamento
    Il DEP valuta i rischi a breve e lungo termine associati
    all’esposizione ad inquinanti atmosferici
  • cambiamenti climatici
    Il DEP valuta l’impatto sulla salute dei cambiamenti climatici
    e degli eventi estremi ad essi associati

Registro Regionale Dialisi e Trapianti Lazio (RRDTL)

Anni precendenti 1986-1990
Perucci CA, Rapiti E, Davoli M, Lagorio S, Arca M, Miller AB Rome women's screening study: knowledge, attitudes and practices of women regarding screening for breast and cervical cancer. Tumori 76:365-9 1990
Lagorio S, Forastiere F, Michelozzi P, Cavariani F, Perucci C, A, Axelson O A case-referent study on lung cancer mortality among ceramic workers. IARC Sci Publ 21-8 1990
Bertollini R, Di Lallo D, Mastroiacovo P, Perucci CA Reduction of births in Italy after the Chernobyl accident. Scand J Work Environ Health 16:96-101 1990
Perucci CA, Arca M, Abeni D Evaluation of the effectiveness of a premarital program for HIV infection screening]. Epidemiol Prev 11:11-7 1989
Marotta G and Perucci CA Epidemiology and legislation. A premarital test for HIV infection in the USA Epidemiol Prev 11:53-8 1989
Forastiere F, Pupp N, Magliola E, Valesini S, Tidei F, Perucci CA Respiratory cancer mortality among workers employed in thermoelectric power plants. Scand J Work Environ Health 15:383-6 1989
Forastiere F, Lagorio S, Michelozzi P, Perucci CA, Axelson O Mortality pattern of silicotic subjects in the Latium region, Italy. Br J Ind Med 46:877-80 1989
Bacigalupi M, Mei A, Pecchioli V, Arca M, Perucci CA Description and evaluation of the information system of the departments of mental health in the Lazio Region Epidemiol Prev 10:36-43 1988
Bacigalupi M, Cecere F, Arca M, Perucci CA, Morosini P Mortality of in-patients at public psychiatric hospitals in the Lazio Region: first results]. Epidemiol Prev 10:11-6 1988
Arduini L, Borgia P, Perucci CA Identification of occupational risks by means of information from the industry: experience in 2 regions Med Lav 79:259-68 1988
Arca M, Forastiere F, Tasco C, Perucci CA, di Orio F Years of potential life lost in Italy before 65 years of age Epidemiol Prev 10:58-61 1988
Arca M, di Orio F, Forastiere F, Tasco C, Perucci CA Years of potential life lost (YPLL) before age 65 in Italy. Am J Public Health 78:1202-5 1988
Albertoni F, Ippolito G, Perucci CA Program of vaccination against hepatitis B in Latium Nuovi Ann Ig Microbiol 39:407-9 1988
Lagorio S, Forastiere F, Michelozzi P, Perucci CA, Altavista P, Costa G, Vigotti MA Assessment of causes of death in follow-up studies: comparison of procedures that can be used in Italy Epidemiol Prev 9:57-61 1987
Forastiere F, Valesini S, Salimei E, Magliola M, E, Perucci CA Respiratory cancer among soap production workers. Scand J Work Environ Health 13:258-60 1987
Di Lallo D, Bertollini R, Perucci CA, Campos Venuti G, Risica S, Simula S Radioactivity in breast milk in central Italy in the aftermath of Chernobyl. Acta Paediatr Scand 76:530-1 1987
Bertollini R, Di Lallo D, Rapiti E, Perucci CA Cesarean section rates in Italy. Am J Public Health 77(12):1554 1987
Albertoni F, Chierchini P, Ippolito G, Perucci C, Occhionero M, Mastrantonio Gianfrilli P Surveillance of meningococcal meningitis in the Latium region, Italy 1984-1985. Microbiologica 10:93-101 1987
Aceti A, Pennica A, Ippolito G, Moretto D, Rezza G, Titti F, Perucci CA Antiamebic antibodies in homosexual men. N Engl J Med 316(11):692 1987
Aceti A, Attanasio R, Pennica A, Taliani G, Sebastiani A, Rezza G, Ippolito G, Perucci CA Campylobacter pylori infection in homosexuals. Lancet 2(8551):154-5 1987
Forastiere F, Lagorio S, Michelozzi P, Cavariani F, Arca' M, Borgia P, Perucci CA, Axelson O Silica, silicosis and lung cancer among ceramic workers: a case-referent study. Am J Ind Med 10:363-70 1986
Forastiere F, Forastiere F Role of the Regional Epidemiological Observatory and its affiliations with other health structures Ann Ist Super Sanita 22:1247-9 1986
Forastiere F, Valesini S, Arca M, Magliola M, E, Michelozzi P, Tasco C Lung cancer and natural radiation in an Italian province. Sci Total Environ 45:519-26 1985
Rosmini F, Castellani-Pastoris M, Mazzotti MF, Forastiere F, Gavazzoni A, Greco D, Ruckdeschel G, Tartagni E, Zampieri A, Baine WB Febrile illness in successive cohorts of tourists at a hotel on the Italian Adriatic coast: evidence for a persistent focus of Legionella infection. Am J Epidemiol 119:124-34 1984
Greco D, Piergentili P, Faustini A, Forastiere F, Stazi MA, Rosmini F, Fantozzi L, Luzi S Surveillance for infectious diseases after the Italian earthquake of 23 November 1980 Ann Ist Super Sanita 19:355-9 1983

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