• deplazio
    il Dipartimento di Epidemiologia del Servizio Sanitario del Lazio (DEP)
    con sede a Roma è un’istituzione attiva da oltre 30 anni
  • Area Covid-19
  • ambientale-valutativo
    il personale del DEP ha specifiche competenze di metodi
    epidemiologici in campo ambientale e valutativo
  • rischi ambientali
    Il DEP fornisce ai decisori le migliori conoscenze epidemiologiche
    per pianificare interventi di riduzione dei rischi per la salute
  • esiti
    Il DEP effettua studi di valutazione degli esiti delle cure sanitarie
  • cure sanitarie
    Il DEP fornisce evidenze per migliorare la qualità
    e l'efficacia delle cure sanitarie
  • inquinamento
    Il DEP valuta i rischi a breve e lungo termine associati
    all’esposizione ad inquinanti atmosferici
  • cambiamenti climatici
    Il DEP valuta l’impatto sulla salute dei cambiamenti climatici
    e degli eventi estremi ad essi associati

Registro Regionale Dialisi e Trapianti Lazio (RRDTL)

Anno 2012
Amato L, Mitrova Z, Davoli M. Sintesi delle revisioni sistematiche Cochrane sull'efficacia degli interventi per l'abuso/dipendenza di droghe ed alcol. http://www.iss.it/drog/
Amato L. Efficacia dei trattamenti di prevenzione per l’uso di tabacco, alcol e sostanze stupefacenti nei giovani: una overview delle revisioni sistematiche della letteratura. Medicina delle Dipendenze. 2012; 6:29-35
Fantini F, Porta D, Fano V, De Felip E, Senofonte O, Abballe A, D'Ilio S, Ingelido AM, Mataloni F, Narduzzi S, Blasetti F, Forastiere F.

Epidemiologic studies on the health status of the population living in the Sacco River Valley

Epidemiol Prev. 2012 Sep-Oct;36(5 Suppl 4):44-52. Italian
Fortes C, Mastroeni S, Sperati A, Pacifici R, Zuccaro P, Forastiere F, Agabiti N, Piras G, Amleto D, Ebrahim S.

Walking four times weekly for at least 15min is associated with longevity in a Cohort of very elderly people.

Maturitas. 2012 Dec 29
Fano V, D'Ovidio M, del Zio K, Renzi D, Tariciotti D, Agabiti N, Argenti L, Cattaruzza MS, Fortino A.

The role of the quality of hospital discharge records on the comparative evaluation of outcomes: the example of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).

Epidemiol Prev. 2012 May-Aug;36(3-4):172-9
Colais P, Fantini MP, Fusco D, Carretta E, Stivanello E, Lenzi J, Pieri G, Perucci CA.

Risk adjustment models for interhospital comparison of CS rates using Robson's ten group classification systemand other socio-demographic and clinical variables.

BMC Pregnancy Childbirth. 2012 Jun 21;12(1):54.
Eeftens M, Beelen R, de Hoogh K, Bellander T, Cesaroni G, Cirach M, Declercq C, Dėdelė A, Dons E, de Nazelle A, Dimakopoulou K, Eriksen K, Falq G, Fischer P, Galassi C, Gražulevičienė R, Heinrich J, Hoffmann B, Jerrett M, Keidel D, Korek M, Lanki T, Lindley S, Madsen C, Mölter A, Nádor G, Nieuwenhuijsen M, Nonnemacher M, Pedeli X, Raaschou-Nielsen O, Patelarou E, Quass U, Ranzi A, Schindler C, Stempfelet M, Stephanou E, Sugiri D, Tsai MY, Yli-Tuomi T, Varró MJ, Vienneau D, Klot Sv, Wolf K, Brunekreef B, Hoek G. Development of Land Use Regression models for PM(2.5), PM(2.5) absorbance, PM(10) and PM(coarse) in 20 European study areas; results of the ESCAPE project. Environ Sci Technol. 2012 Oct 16;46(20):11195-205
Schifano P, Leone M, De Sario M, de'Donato F, Bargagli AM, D'Ippoliti D, Marino C, Michelozzi P. Changes in the effects of heat on mortality among the elderly from 1998-2010: results from a multicenter time series study in Italy. Environ Health. 2012 Sep 3;11(1):58
C. Renzi, C. Sorge, D. Fusco, N. Agabiti, M. Davoli, and C.A. Perucci Reporting of quality indicators and improvement in hospital performance: the p.re.val.e. Regional outcome evaluation program Health Serv Res 47:1880-901 (2012)
M. Brunetti, I. Shemilt, S. Pregno, L. Vale, A.D. Oxman, J. Lord, J. Sisk, F. Ruiz, S. Hill, G.H. Guyatt, R. Jaeschke, M. Helfand, R. Harbour, M. Davoli, L. Amato, A. Liberati, and H.J. Schunemann, Grade guidelines Considering resource use and rating the quality of economic evidence J Clin Epidemiol
V. Belleudi, N. Agabiti, U. Kirchmayer, S. Cascini, L. Bauleo, L. Berardini, L. Pinnarelli, M. Stafoggia, D. Fusco, M. Arca, M. Davoli, and C.A. Perucci Definition and validation of a predictive model to identify patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) from administrative databases Epidemiol Prev 36:162-71
S. Minozzi, L. Amato, and M. Davoli Development of dependence following treatment with opioid analgesics for pain relief: a systematic review Addiction (2012)

Hoek G, Pattenden S, Willers S, Antova T, Fabianova E, Braun-Fahrländer C, Forastiere F, Gehring U, Luttmann-Gibson H, Grize L, Heinrich J, Houthuijs D, Janssen N, Katsnelson B, Kosheleva A, Moshammer H, Neuberger M, Privalova L, Rudnai P, Speizer F, Slachtova H, Tomaskova H, Zlotkowska R, Fletcher T.

PM10, and children's respiratory symptoms and lung function in the PATY study. Eur Respir J. 2012 Sep;40(3):538-47.
U. Kirchmayer, N. Agabiti, V. Belleudi, M. Davoli, D. Fusco, M. Stafoggia, M. Arca, A.P. Barone, and C.A. Perucci -demographic differences in adherence to evidence-based drug therapy after hospital discharge from acute myocardial infarction: a population-based cohort study in Rome, Italy J Clin Pharm Ther 37:37-44
S. Peters, H. Kromhout, A.C. Olsson, H.E. Wichmann, I. Bruske, D. Consonni, M.T. Landi, N. Caporaso, J. Siemiatycki, L. Richiardi, D. Mirabelli, L. Simonato, P. Gustavsson, N. Plato, K.H. Jockel, W. Ahrens, H. Pohlabeln, P. Boffetta, P. Brennan, D. Zaridze, A. Cassidy, J. Lissowska, N. Szeszenia-Dabrowska, P. Rudnai, E. Fabianova, F. Forastiere, V. Bencko, L. Foretova, V. Janout, I. Stucker, R.S. Dumitru, S. Benhamou, B. Bueno-de-Mesquita, B. Kendzia, B. Pesch, K. Straif, T. Bruning, and R. Vermeulen Occupational exposure to organic dust increases lung cancer risk in the general population Thorax 67:111-6
G. Cesaroni, H. Boogaard, S. Jonkers, D. Porta, C. Badaloni, G. Cattani, F. Forastiere, and G. Hoek Health benefits of traffic-related air pollution reduction in different socioeconomic groups: the effect of low-emission zoning in Rome Occup Environ Med 69:133-9
D. Fusco, A.P. Barone, C. Sorge, M. D'Ovidio, M. Stafoggia, A. Lallo, M. Davoli, and C.A. Perucci P.Re.Val.E.: outcome research program for the evaluation of health care quality in Lazio, Italy BMC Health Serv Res 12:25
L. Pinnarelli, S. Nuti, C. Sorge, M. Davoli, D. Fusco, N. Agabiti, M. Vainieri, and C.A. Perucci What drives hospital performance? The impact of comparative outcome evaluation of patients admitted for hip fracture in two Italian regions BMJ Qual Saf 21:127-34
P. Colais , A. Faustini, M. Stafoggia, G. Berti, L. Bisanti, E. Cadum, A. Cernigliaro, S. Mallone, B. Pacelli, M. Serinelli, L. Simonato, M.A. Vigotti, and F. Forastiere Particulate Air Pollution and Hospital Admissions for Cardiac Diseases in Potentially Sensitive Subgroups Epidemiology 23:473-81
F. Forastiere Energy, consumption, environment and health Epidemiol Prev 36:6-7
B. Brunekreef, I. Annesi-Maesano, J.G. Ayres, F. Forastiere, B. Forsberg, N. Kunzli, J. Pekkanen, and T. Sigsgaard Ten principles for clean air Eur Respir J 39:525-8
M. Davoli Alessandro Liberati: a national and international reference point for epidemiology and health service research Epidemiol Prev 36:5-6
G.F. Mureddu, N. Agabiti, V. Rizzello, F. Forastiere, R. Latini, G. Cesaroni, S. Masson, G. Cacciatore, F. Colivicchi, M. Uguccioni, C.A. Perucci, and A. Boccanelli Prevalence of preclinical and clinical heart failure in the elderly. A population-based study in Central Italy Eur J Heart Fail
G. Hoek, S. Pattenden, S. Willers, T. Antova, E. Fabianova, C. Braun-Fahrlander, F. Forastiere, U. Gehring,  H. Luttmann-Gibson, L. Grize, J. Heinrich, D. Houthuijs, N. Janssen, B. Katsnelson, A. Kosheleva, H. Moshammer, M. Neuberger, L. Privalova, P. Rudnai, F. Speizer, H. Slachtova, H. Tomaskova, R. Zlotkowska, and T. Fletcher PM10 and children's respiratory symptoms and lung function in the PATY study Eur Respir J 40:538-47
C. Pedone, S. Scarlata, D. Chiurco, M.E. Conte, F. Forastiere, and R. Antonelli-Incalzi Association of reduced total lung capacity with mortality and use of health services Chest 141:1025-30
P. Michelozzi and M. Davoli Invest now in adaptive strategies to cope with weather instability BMJ 344:e2585
A. Faustini, C. Canova, S. Cascini, V. Baldo, K. Bonora, G. De Girolamo, P. Romor, L. Zanier, and L. Simonato The reliability of hospital and pharmaceutical data to assess prevalent cases of  chronic obstructive pulmonary disease COPD 9:184-96
F. Mataloni, C. Ancona, C. Badaloni, S. Bucci, S. Busco, E. Cupellaro, F. Pannozzo, M. Davoli, and F. Forastiere Cancer incidence and mortality in the cohort of residents close to the Italian nuclear power plants of Borgo Sabotino and Garigliano Epidemiol Prev 36:253-62
M. Davoli Volumes of care and outcomes Epidemiol Prev 36:229-31
F. Mataloni, M. Stafoggia, E. Alessandrini, M. Triassi, A. Biggeri, and F. Forastiere A cohort study on mortality and morbidity in the area of Taranto, Southern Italy Epidemiol Prev 36:237-52
C. Pedone, S. Scarlata, D. Chiurco, M.E. Conte, F. Forastiere, and R. Antonelli-Incalzi Response Chest 142:1354-5
A. Faustini, M. Stafoggia, G. Cappai, and F. Forastiere Short-term effects of air pollution in a cohort of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Epidemiology 23:861-79
I. Annesi-Maesano, J. Heinrich, J.G. Ayres, and F. Forastiere Why an ERJ series on air pollution? Eur Respir J 40:12-3
G. Cesaroni, D. Porta, C. Badaloni, M. Stafoggia, M. Eeftens, K. Meliefste, and F. Forastiere Nitrogen dioxide levels estimated from land use regression models several years apart and association with mortality in a large cohort study Environ Health 11:48
C. Pedone, S. Scarlata, N. Scichilone, F. Forastiere, V. Bellia, and R. Antonelli Incalzi Alternative ways of expressing FEV1 and mortality in an elderly population with and without COPD Eur Respir J
P. Michelozzi Environmental disaster in Taranto, southern Italy: the contribution of epidemiology Epidemiol Prev 36:231-3
G. Costa, P. Michelozzi, C. Ancona, N. Bertozzi, N. Caranci, V. Fano, R. Gini, R. Gnavi, and C. Zocchetti Health and economic crisis in Italy Epidemiol Prev 36:227-8
P. Schifano, M. Leone, M. De Sario, F. De'donato, A.M. Bargagli, D. D'Ippoliti, C. Marino, and P. Michelozzi Changes in the effects of heat on mortality among the elderly from 1998-2010: results from a multicenter time series study in Italy Environ Health 11:58

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